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- %%BeginProcSet: Adobe_ColorImage_AI6 1.2 0
- userdict /Adobe_ColorImage_AI6 known not
- {
- userdict /Adobe_ColorImage_AI6 50 dict put
- } if
- userdict /Adobe_ColorImage_AI6 get begin
- /initialize {
- Adobe_ColorImage_AI6 begin
- Adobe_ColorImage_AI6 {
- dup type /arraytype eq {
- dup xcheck {
- bind
- } if
- } if
- pop pop
- } forall
- } def
- /terminate { end } def
- currentdict /Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars known not {
- /Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars 40 dict def
- } if
- Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin
- /plateindex -1 def
- /_newproc null def
- /_proc1 null def
- /_proc2 null def
- /channelcount 0 def
- /sourcecount 0 def
- /sourcearray 4 array def
- /_ptispace null def
- /_ptiname null def
- /_pti0 0 def
- /_pti1 0 def
- /_ptiproc null def
- /_ptiscale 0 def
- /_pticomps 0 def
- /_ptibuf 0 string def
- /_gtigray 0 def
- /_cticmyk null def
- /_rtirgb null def
- /XIEnable true def
- /XIType 0 def
- /XIEncoding 0 def
- /XICompression 0 def
- /XIChannelCount 0 def
- /XIBitsPerPixel 0 def
- /XIImageHeight 0 def
- /XIImageWidth 0 def
- /XIImageMatrix null def
- /XIRowBytes 0 def
- /XIFile null def
- /XIBuffer1 null def
- /XIBuffer2 null def
- /XIDataProc null def
- /XIVersion 6 def
- /XIColorSpace /DeviceGray def
- /XIColorValues 0 def
- end
- currentdict /_colorimage known not {
- /colorimage where {
- /colorimage get /_colorimage exch def
- }{
- /_colorimage null def
- } ifelse
- } if
- /_image systemdict /image get def
- /_currenttransfer systemdict /currenttransfer get def
- /FourEqual {
- 4 index ne {
- pop pop pop false
- }{
- 4 index ne {
- pop pop false
- }{
- 4 index ne {
- pop false
- }{
- 4 index eq
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } def
- /TestPlateIndex {
- Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin
- /plateindex -1 def
- /setcmykcolor where {
- pop
- gsave
- 1 0 0 0 setcmykcolor systemdict /currentgray get exec 1 exch sub
- 0 1 0 0 setcmykcolor systemdict /currentgray get exec 1 exch sub
- 0 0 1 0 setcmykcolor systemdict /currentgray get exec 1 exch sub
- 0 0 0 1 setcmykcolor systemdict /currentgray get exec 1 exch sub
- grestore
- 1 0 0 0 FourEqual {
- /plateindex 0 def
- }{
- 0 1 0 0 FourEqual {
- /plateindex 1 def
- }{
- 0 0 1 0 FourEqual {
- /plateindex 2 def
- }{
- 0 0 0 1 FourEqual {
- /plateindex 3 def
- }{
- 0 0 0 0 FourEqual {
- /plateindex 5 def
- } if
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- pop pop pop pop
- } if
- plateindex
- end
- } def
- /concatprocs {
- /packedarray where {
- pop dup type /packedarraytype eq 2 index type
- /packedarraytype eq or
- }{
- false
- } ifelse
- {
- /_proc2 exch cvlit def
- /_proc1 exch cvlit def
- _proc1 aload pop
- _proc2 aload pop
- _proc1 length
- _proc2 length add
- packedarray cvx
- }{
- /_proc2 exch cvlit def
- /_proc1 exch cvlit def
- /_newproc _proc1 length _proc2 length add array def
- _newproc 0 _proc1 putinterval
- _newproc _proc1 length _proc2 putinterval
- _newproc cvx
- } ifelse
- } def
- /clrspaceissepn {
- type /arraytype eq
- } def
- /clrspacegetname {
- dup clrspaceissepn {dup length 2 sub get}{pop ()} ifelse
- } def
- /clrspacegetalt {
- aload pop pop pop colormake
- } def
- /clrspacegetcomps {
- dup /DeviceGray eq {
- pop 1
- }{
- dup /DeviceRGB eq {
- pop 3
- }{
- /DeviceCMYK eq {
- 4
- }{
- 1
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } def
- /clrspacemarksplate {
- dup /DeviceGray eq {
- pop plateindex 3 eq
- }{
- dup /DeviceRGB eq {
- pop plateindex 5 ne
- }{
- dup /DeviceCMYK eq {
- pop plateindex 5 ne
- }{
- /findcmykcustomcolor where {
- pop
- dup length 2 sub get
- 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 5 -1 roll
- findcmykcustomcolor 1 setcustomcolor
- systemdict /currentgray get exec
- 1 ne
- }{
- pop plateindex 5 ne
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } def
- /colormake {
- dup clrspacegetcomps
- exch 1 index 2 add 1 roll
- dup 1 eq {pop}{array astore} ifelse
- exch
- } def
- /colorexpand {
- dup clrspacegetname exch
- dup clrspaceissepn {
- clrspacegetalt
- exch 4 1 roll
- }{
- 1 3 1 roll
- } ifelse
- } def
- /colortint {
- dup /DeviceGray eq {
- 3 1 roll 1 exch sub mul 1 exch sub exch
- }{
- dup /DeviceRGB eq {
- 3 1 roll {1 exch sub 1 index mul 1 exch sub exch} forall pop 3 array astore exch
- }{
- dup /DeviceCMYK eq {
- 3 1 roll {1 index mul exch} forall pop 4 array astore exch
- }{
- 3 1 roll mul exch
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } def
- /colortocmyk {
- dup /DeviceGray eq {
- pop 1 exch sub 0 0 0 4 -1 roll 4 array astore
- }{
- dup /DeviceRGB eq {
- pop aload pop _rgbtocmyk 4 array astore
- }{
- dup /DeviceCMYK eq {
- pop
- }{
- clrspacegetalt colortint colortocmyk
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } def
- /makeimagedict {
- 7 dict begin
- /ImageType 1 def
- /Decode exch def
- /DataSource exch def
- /ImageMatrix exch def
- /BitsPerComponent exch def
- /Height exch def
- /Width exch def
- currentdict end
- } def
- /stringinvert {
- 0 1 2 index length 1 sub {
- dup 2 index exch get 255 exch sub 2 index 3 1 roll put
- } for
- } def
- /stringknockout {
- 0 1 2 index length 1 sub {
- 255 2 index 3 1 roll put
- } for
- } def
- /stringapply {
- 0 1 4 index length 1 sub {
- dup
- 4 index exch get
- 3 index 3 1 roll
- 3 index exec
- } for
- pop exch pop
- } def
- /WalkRGBString {
- 0 3 index
- dup length 1 sub 0 3 3 -1 roll {
- 3 getinterval {} forall
- 5 index exec
- 3 index
- } for
- 5 {pop} repeat
- } def
- /WalkCMYKString
- {
- 0 3 index
- dup length 1 sub 0 4 3 -1 roll {
- 4 getinterval {} forall
- 6 index exec
- 3 index
- } for
- 5 { pop } repeat
- } def
- /StuffRGBIntoGrayString
- {
- .11 mul exch
- .59 mul add exch
- .3 mul add
- cvi 3 copy put
- pop 1 add
- } def
- /StuffCMYKIntoGrayString
- {
- exch .11 mul add
- exch .59 mul add
- exch .3 mul add
- dup 255 gt { pop 255 } if
- 255 exch sub cvi 3 copy put
- pop 1 add
- } def
- /RGBToGrayImageProc {
- Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin
- sourcearray 0 get exec
- dup length 3 idiv string
- dup 3 1 roll
- /StuffRGBIntoGrayString load exch
- WalkRGBString
- end
- } def
- /CMYKToGrayImageProc {
- Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin
- sourcearray 0 get exec
- dup length 4 idiv string
- dup 3 1 roll
- /StuffCMYKIntoGrayString load exch
- WalkCMYKString
- end
- } def
- /SeparateCMYKImageProc {
- Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin
- sourcecount 0 ne {
- sourcearray plateindex get exec
- }{
- sourcearray 0 get exec
- dup length 4 idiv string
- 0 2 index
- plateindex 4 2 index length 1 sub {
- get 255 exch sub
- 3 copy put pop 1 add
- 2 index
- } for
- pop pop exch pop
- } ifelse
- end
- } def
- /ColorImageCompositeEmulator {
- pop true eq {
- Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars /sourcecount get 5 add { pop } repeat
- }{
- Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars /channelcount get 1 ne {
- Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin
- sourcearray 0 3 -1 roll put
- channelcount 3 eq {/RGBToGrayImageProc}{/CMYKToGrayImageProc} ifelse
- load
- end
- } if
- image
- } ifelse
- } def
- /colorimage {
- Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin
- /channelcount 1 index def
- /sourcecount 2 index 1 eq { channelcount 1 sub } { 0 } ifelse def
- 4 sourcecount add index
- end
- dup 8 eq exch 1 eq or not {
- /_colorimage load null ne {
- _colorimage
- }{
- Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars /sourcecount get
- 7 add { pop } repeat
- } ifelse
- }{
- dup 3 eq TestPlateIndex dup -1 eq exch 5 eq or or {
- /_colorimage load null eq {
- ColorImageCompositeEmulator
- }{
- dup 1 eq {
- pop pop image
- }{
- Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars /plateindex get 5 eq {
- gsave
- 0 _currenttransfer exec
- 1 _currenttransfer exec
- eq
- { 0 _currenttransfer exec 0.5 lt }
- { 0 _currenttransfer exec 1 _currenttransfer exec gt } ifelse
- { { pop 0 } } { { pop 1 } } ifelse
- systemdict /settransfer get exec
- } if
- _colorimage
- Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars /plateindex get 5 eq {
- grestore
- } if
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- }{
- dup 1 eq {
- pop pop
- image
- }{
- pop pop
- Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin
- sourcecount -1 0 {
- exch sourcearray 3 1 roll put
- } for
- /SeparateCMYKImageProc load
- end
- systemdict /image get exec
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } def
- /proctintimage {
- /_ptispace exch store /_ptiname exch store /_pti1 exch store /_pti0 exch store /_ptiproc exch store
- /_pticomps _ptispace clrspacegetcomps store
- /_ptiscale _pti1 _pti0 sub store
- level2? {
- _ptiname length 0 gt version cvr 2012 ge and {
- [/Separation _ptiname _ptispace {_ptiproc}] setcolorspace
- [_pti0 _pti1] makeimagedict _image
- }{
- [/Indexed _ptispace 255 {255 div _ptiscale mul _pti0 add _ptiproc}] setcolorspace
- [0 255] makeimagedict _image
- } ifelse
- }{
- _pticomps 1 eq {
- {
- dup
- {
- 255 div _ptiscale mul _pti0 add _ptiproc 255 mul cvi put
- } stringapply
- } concatprocs _image
- }{
- {
- dup length _pticomps mul dup _ptibuf length ne {/_ptibuf exch string store}{pop} ifelse
- _ptibuf {
- exch _pticomps mul exch 255 div _ptiscale mul _pti0 add _ptiproc
- _pticomps 2 add -2 roll
- _pticomps 1 sub -1 0 {
- 1 index add 2 index exch
- 5 -1 roll
- 255 mul cvi put
- } for
- pop pop
- } stringapply
- } concatprocs false _pticomps
- /_colorimage load null eq {7 {pop} repeat}{_colorimage} ifelse
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } def
- /graytintimage {
- /_gtigray 5 -1 roll store
- {1 _gtigray sub mul 1 exch sub} 4 1 roll
- /DeviceGray proctintimage
- } def
- /cmyktintimage {
- /_cticmyk 5 -1 roll store
- {_cticmyk {1 index mul exch} forall pop} 4 1 roll
- /DeviceCMYK proctintimage
- } def
- /rgbtintimage {
- /_rtirgb 5 -1 roll store
- {_rtirgb {1 exch sub 1 index mul 1 exch sub exch} forall pop} 4 1 roll
- /DeviceRGB proctintimage
- } def
- /tintimage {
- TestPlateIndex -1 eq {
- colorexpand
- 3 -1 roll 5 -1 roll {0}{0 exch} ifelse 4 2 roll
- dup /DeviceGray eq {
- pop graytintimage
- }{
- dup /DeviceRGB eq {
- pop rgbtintimage
- }{
- pop cmyktintimage
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- }{
- dup clrspacemarksplate {
- plateindex 5 lt {
- colortocmyk plateindex get 1 exch sub
- exch {1 0}{0 1} ifelse () graytintimage
- }{
- pop exch {0}{0 exch} ifelse 0 3 1 roll () graytintimage
- } ifelse
- }{
- pop pop pop
- {pop 1} 0 1 () /DeviceGray proctintimage
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } def
- /XINullImage {
- } def
- /XIImageMask {
- XIImageWidth XIImageHeight false
- [XIImageWidth 0 0 XIImageHeight neg 0 0]
- /XIDataProc load
- imagemask
- } def
- /XIImageTint {
- 0 setgray
- XIImageWidth XIImageHeight XIBitsPerPixel
- [XIImageWidth 0 0 XIImageHeight neg 0 0]
- /XIDataProc load
- XIType 3 eq XIColorValues XIColorSpace tintimage
- } def
- /XIImage {
- 0 setgray
- XIImageWidth XIImageHeight XIBitsPerPixel
- [XIImageWidth 0 0 XIImageHeight neg 0 0]
- /XIDataProc load
- XIChannelCount 1 eq {image}{false XIChannelCount colorimage} ifelse
- } def
- /XG {
- pop pop
- } def
- /XF {
- 13 {pop} repeat
- } def
- /Xh {
- Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin
- gsave
- /XIType exch def
- /XIImageHeight exch def
- /XIImageWidth exch def
- /XIImageMatrix exch def
- 0 0 moveto
- XIImageMatrix concat
- XIImageWidth XIImageHeight scale
- XIType 1 eq {
- /_lp /null ddef
- _fc
- /_lp /imagemask ddef
- }
- if
- /XIVersion 7 def
- end
- } def
- /XH {
- Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin
- /XIVersion 6 def
- grestore
- end
- } def
- /XIEnable {
- Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars /XIEnable 3 -1 roll put
- } def
- /XC {
- Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin
- colormake
- /XIColorSpace exch def
- /XIColorValues exch def
- end
- } def
- /XI
- {
- Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin
- gsave
- /XIType exch def
- cvi dup
- 256 idiv /XICompression exch store
- 256 mod /XIEncoding exch store
- pop pop
- /XIChannelCount exch def
- /XIBitsPerPixel exch def
- /XIImageHeight exch def
- /XIImageWidth exch def
- pop pop pop pop
- /XIImageMatrix exch def
- XIBitsPerPixel 1 eq {
- XIImageWidth 8 div ceiling cvi
- }{
- XIImageWidth XIChannelCount mul
- } ifelse
- /XIRowBytes exch def
- XIEncoding 0 ne XIVersion 6 le and {
- currentfile 128 string readline pop pop
- } if
- XICompression 0 eq {
- /XIBuffer1 XIRowBytes string def
- XIEncoding 0 eq {
- {currentfile XIBuffer1 readhexstring pop}
- }{
- {currentfile XIBuffer1 readstring pop}
- } ifelse
- }{
- /XIBuffer1 256 string def
- /XIBuffer2 XIRowBytes string def
- {currentfile XIBuffer1 readline pop (%) anchorsearch {pop} if}
- /ASCIIHexDecode filter /DCTDecode filter
- /XIFile exch def
- {XIFile XIBuffer2 readstring pop}
- } ifelse
- /XIDataProc exch def
- XIVersion 6 le {
- 0 0 moveto
- XIImageMatrix concat
- XIImageWidth XIImageHeight scale
- XIType 1 eq {
- /_lp /null ddef
- _fc
- /_lp /imagemask ddef
- } if
- } if
- XIEnable {
- XIType 1 eq {
- XIImageMask
- }{
- XIType 2 eq XIType 3 eq or {
- XIImageTint
- }{
- XIImage
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- }{
- XINullImage
- } ifelse
- grestore
- end
- } def
- end
- %%EndProcSet